Comienza nuestra pequeña gran aventura!!

5 meses, 10 países, más de 30000 kilómetros, en avión, coche, autobús o lo que sea necesario... Todo para cumplir un sueño. Hacer un viaje por las américas. ¡Esperamos que os guste!

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Y (Why?)

Why does coke taste so different here? Why do people buy big cars if the speed limit is 70 mph? Por qué el country suena bien aquí? WHY DO THEY HAVE LOW FAT SYRUP?if you do not want to get fat don't eat syrup!! POR QUÉ TODOS LOS SUELOS ESTÁN ENMOQUETADOS? Why does the waiter ask you a 100 times if everything is ok?Doesn´t he know that your mounth is full? POR QUÉ HAY STOP POR TODAS PARTES? Why is the speed limit on higways so restrictive (70 mph) and so permisive on secondary roads (65 mph)? Por qué si reciclan todo, los vasos, platos y cubiertos del desayuno de lo moteles son desechables? WHY DON'T THEY CHANGE TO THE METRIC SYSTEM? How many miles is a Km? How many liter a galon?How many meters a foot? How many motels are there in USA if there is at least one in every single city? How many fast-food restaurants? How many cars? How many Walmarts? How many USA flags on a house porch? How many route 66 sings?How many bridges? How many types of coockies? How many how manys?

Dedicado a los que me llaman cotilla... no soy cotilla soy curiosa...

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